Cell phone and its Radiation a review

Cell phones do emit radiation. Some emits more and some less, says Environmental Working Group, a non-profit research and advocacy group. In their online guide to cell phone emissions, the group has ranked more than one thousand different cell phones based on the radiation levels.
The research group has ranked more than a thousand cells in order of the radiation emitted by them. The group did the ranking on the basis of the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), which, it must be admitted, is difficult to find. The SAR is the amount of radiation given out by your phone when you are talking or texting on it, i.e., when you are sending out a signal to the tower. (Yes, your phone emits radiation only when you are talking or SMS-ing. Good news, isn’t it?)
The legal battle is still on, about the cell phones being or not being harmful to human health. But taking a few steps to ensure your personal well-being certainly won’t do much harm. Several independent research teams have, from different countries, warned about a high risk of developing cancer with the prolonged use of cell phones, especially brain and salivary gland cancer, as stated by EWG. A scientific study done in Sweden and many other European countries reveal that people using cell phones for more than ten years have a consistent pattern of an increased cancer risk.
John Houlihan, the research director at EWG stated that,” The data is still conflicting and the science isn’t settled” but that they also have specific evidence which warrants people to take action on the use of their cell phones.
Keeping all these in mind we offer you a list of ten phones that emit the lowest radiation and ten phones that emit the highest radiation.


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