Crawler-Based Search Engines

A search engine is a tool that helps Web sites to locate people
Internet. Searchers want to find new Web sites and then
Index of content, results in the search engine database for storage.
Search engine databases are repositories where search information is stored
Web sites that show them to.
Since the first edition there have been many changes in the Internet
This book was published. New search engines like Google, is
Go on stage, and many others are no longer available.
Each search engine to find your website to try to register
Internet will be better focused on
The book presented the major search engines.
Today, Google and Yahoo! So far the two most popular search engines
On the Web. In fact, these two search engines handle over 65%
All searches. Microsoft's MSN search engine is fast growing in
Importance. In addition to these three search engines, there are many other
Important search engines you want to work. Search
AOL, Netscape, excitement, Ask, AllTheWeb, AltaVista,: engine cover
MetaCrawler, WebCrawler and Lycos.
Many search sites now maintain their own search engine
Database. Instead of second search results
Search engine. For example, AllTheWeb and AltaVista are actually
Owned by Yahoo. Search results for each of these two websites
Whether actually removed from the database of Yahoo search engine.
So if
Your website was registered at Yahoo, your site will appear in
AllTheWeb and AltaVista is the search results.


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