some suggestions to attract visitors

some suggestions to attract visitors
* Submit your site to various free blog directories. Comprehensive list of directories can be found on Robin Good's - Best Blog Directory and RSS Submission Sites.
* Join the social networking sites like
* Join a bookmark sites like and Install their toolbar.
* Join a blogging forum and become an active participant in the forum.
* Write articles and submit them to article directories. provides a complete list of article directories sorted by page rank you can submit to.
* Leave comments on other blogs. To find other blogs on blogger see "How do I find other blogs to read on Blogger?"
* Communicate with bloggers who leave comments on your blog by responding to these comments.
* Confirm other bloggers by linking to their blog.
* Keep an eye on your inbound links.
* Participate in memes. Visit the Daily Meme to see a list of memes that you can participate in every day.
* Encourage comments on your blog by putting comments at the top widget on your blog.
For more blog tips visit Blogger Talk Blog Community.


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